Yellow Sale!

We don't have much of an Autumn here in Southern New Mexico, though the weather does tend to be very nice. Leaf colors here can't compete with New England, or even with the Aspens so much beloved of the subterraneanly connected Scooter and Judy.

One bit of Fall color for me though, is the Springer Fall Yellow sale on math books. My home town of Nowhere, NM is too small to have a participating bookstore, but I usually manage to get up to Albuquerque a time or two and hit the UNM bookstore - conveniently located just across the street from the Frontier restaurant, itself sort of a local landmark. I picked up Lang's Algebra and Eisenbud's Commutative Algebra with a View Toward Algebraic Geometry last week. The prices were quite reasonable, in total contrast to those of the satanic powers at McGraw-Hill and Wiley.

Now if I can just find time and energy to read them - and do the problems.


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