Wack Jobs

The blotchy one, AKA Bill O'Reilly, has managed to build a career on his talents as a schoolyard bully. Like any schoolyard bully, he likes to pick on those smaller than himself. In his relentless quest to find more victims to satisfy the blood lust of his sychophantic devotees, he managed to find some some nasty comments about him among the tens of thousands that The Daily Kos gets every week. This provoked him to launch a jihad against Kos and Kos's sponsors, managing to intimidate Jet Blue into asking that its name be taken off some Kos function's sponsors list.

O'Reilly's charge against Kos: he was a "hater." Pretty funny, since hordes of mouth breathers proceeded to post venomous invective against Kos on the O'Leilly site. Kos retaliated by asking his readers to protest to Fox advertisers when Fox launched any of its usual lies and distortions.

This, in turn, provoked a scream of outrage from my favorite Czech Wack Job. His total lack of a sense of irony makes his post ironically hilarious. In a further irony, I find myself completely in agreement with his first two sentences:

In the past, we used to believe that because of various reasons, America was immune to a threat of totalitarian systems. I no longer think that these comments are valid.

I'm not sure whether he was unaware of O'Reilly's earlier campaign against Kos's sponsors or if this is just another manifestation of his pervasive mind blindness, but here he is:

They have collected signatures of thousands of nutcases all over America who vowed to annoy companies advertising on FoxNews (!!!) with intimidating telephone calls. Tolerating all political attitudes is very nice but if the society can't destroy these carcinogenic segments before it's too late, it will be too late and they will destroy the society. And if you have any doubts that the previous assertion is true, let me assure you that it is actually a tautology.

Is it really legal in America to organize a threatening campaign of hateful junk telephone calls?

Of course it was perfectly legitimate for O'Reilly to organize an earlier campaign against Kos's sponsors. The Lumonator concludes with one of those flights of paranoid fantasy that has made him a hero to right-wing nutcases everywhere:

These activists are fully analogous to the brownshirts in Germany of the 1930s.

Because complaining to a sponsor is just like the beatings, arsons and murders that were the tactics employed by Hitler's goons.


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