
The new National Intelligence Estimate is quite remarkable in that what it says it opposite to what Bush, Cheney, and their flunkies have been telling us for the past year: that Iran is apparently not working on developing nuclear weapons. That extimate has been in WH hands for about that long, so presumably they knew it all along, and, no doubt have concealed it because they don't like what it says. This time, it seems, Cheney was not able to get reality revised to fit his scenario. From the New York Times.

A new assessment by American intelligence agencies released Monday concludes that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003 and that the program remains frozen, contradicting a judgment two years ago that Tehran was working relentlessly toward building a nuclear bomb.

One mystery is why the WH decided to release it after suppressing it for a year or so and publicly declaring that it didn't plan to release it at all. Kevin Drum second guesses his own guess (Congress) here. Bottom line - we don't know.

Meanwhile, it's pretty clear that this changes a lot regarding Iran. Shmuel Rosner and Aluf Benn, writing in (the Israeli paper)Haaretz say this takes attack off the table - for the US and Israel.

The Americans failed to explain Monday how they reached their new conclusions. As such, the general public will find it difficult to decide who is right. Maybe in the future, when there suddenly really is a bomb in play, or maybe not  a decision on this can be final. Meanwhile, Israeli intelligence has adopted the "most severe" approach, but the American decision maker is only affected by the Americans writing the assessment.

It does not really matter. However successful or flawed this report may be, there is a new, dramatic reality, in all aspects of the struggle against the Iranian bomb: The military option, American or Israeli, is off the table, indefinitely.

I'm inclined to agree, since I don't think Israel could attack without our connivance - but this assessment neglects the "Cheney is nuts" factor.


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