Twenty Dollar Bill

In one cute tea bagger antic, a woman holds up a twenty dollar bill and dares representative Norm Dicks (D, Washington) to come down and take it for his health care program. Clever, disruptive, and hard to deal with on the fly. My suggested response.

Well, we have all payed taxes, and from my own experience, it's never fun, so I think I can sympathize with you on that point. On the other hand, I like having roads, policemen, and an army to protect us from foreign enemies. That's the bargain of living in a civilization - we pay taxes and get a society. You may resent what you pay, but others pay much more. Right now we have men and women on the front lines in Afghanistan risking their lives and limbs to help keep you free - and if you think paying taxes means you can't be free, I think you might need to sample some of the places in the world where people really aren't free - there are an awful lot of them.


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